Final Log - a cursed play

Join first officer Rufus Courland of the accursed SS Howard Philips now stranded on an unknown island, hunted by hidden unseen predators as he makes his final ship log entry. Rufus chronicles the story of a desperate ship of exiles ferrying a researcher and his team to the farthest reaches of the globe. 

He soon learns his passengers are led by a madman and the crew either become followers or disappear. What begins as searching for the unknown becomes exploring humanity's rebirth into the supernatural. What is the fate of the SS Howard Philips? Will all passengers and crew be cursed to an untimely demise? Can Rufus survive while retaining all things that make him human, or will he succumb to a grizzly death… or worse.

This immersive sensory experience of cosmic horror reaches epic proportions ensuring audiences are captivated both mind and soul. Following Rufus’ journey is both thrilling and terrifying and may not be for the weak of heart. Final Log is an instant horror classic that will have audiences coming multiple times taking away a different impression each night. 

  • Written by Jim McCaskill

  • Directed by Morgan Bedard

  • Produced by Clayton Windatt

Audience Advisory: This production includes references or themes of sexual intimacy, prejudice, coarse language, violence, horror and death that some people may find distressing, disturbing or even offensive.


Dreamers of the Deep

The Dreamers of the Deep is a new Canadian arts collective composed of Morgan Bedard, Jim McCaskill and Clayton Windatt. This small group of multi-artists work between genres obsessing over all-things horror, and seek ways of engaging contemporary performing arts challenging audiences with conceptual nightmares. “Final Log” is the collective's first international production.


Edinburgh - Multi-Arts Incubator


Art - Environment - Life - Everything